Thursday, September 18, 2008

I'm behind, and sore

Years ago, I was in a car accident. Yes, my assbone got broken. Now, these many years later, it's sore when the weather changes, or I sit too long writing at my laptop. This is a problem, not lately, though, because I haven't been able to concentrate long enough to sit too long to write too long.

I wonder what your problems are, dear reader. Remember when you read a book and you were addressed DEAR reader. Well, everone I talked to so far has been a dear whether they liked it or not. There aren't any true ones, or close ones in my life, so an abundance is in place of the few.

God, I feel bad.

Just got a book mark with the text lingo on it so I can stay in the groove. This is what my parents used to laugh about around their kids, ignoring us, yeah, but now, I don't even have them. At least I don't have a memory that will remember this either. Ha!

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